Friday 9 March 2018

Livros sobre negociação de opções astutas

Livros sobre negociação de opções nítidas
Investidores enriquecedores desde 1998.
Soluções de Negociação rentáveis ​​para o Investidor Inteligente.
Guia para opções para novatos.
O que é uma opção?
Uma opção é um contrato que dá ao comprador o direito, mas não a obrigação, de comprar ou vender um ativo subjacente (uma ação ou índice) a um preço específico em ou antes de uma determinada data.
Uma opção é uma derivada. Ou seja, seu valor é derivado de outra coisa. No caso de uma opção de compra de ações, seu valor é baseado no estoque subjacente (capital próprio). No caso de uma opção de índice, seu valor é baseado no índice subjacente (equidade).
· As opções listadas são títulos, como ações.
· Opções negociam como ações, com compradores fazendo lances e vendedores fazendo ofertas.
· As opções são negociadas ativamente em um mercado listado, como ações. Eles podem ser comprados e vendidos como qualquer outra segurança.
· As opções são derivadas, ao contrário dos estoques (ou seja, as opções derivam seu valor de outra coisa, a segurança subjacente).
· As opções têm datas de validade, enquanto as ações não.
· Não há um número fixo de opções, pois existem ações disponíveis.
· Os proprietários de ações possuem uma participação da empresa, com direitos de voto e dividendos. As opções não transmitem tais direitos.
Algumas pessoas ficam perplexas com as opções. A verdade é que a maioria das pessoas tem usado opções por algum tempo, porque a opção-ality é incorporada em tudo, desde hipotecas até seguro automóvel. No mundo das opções listadas, no entanto, sua existência é muito mais clara.
Tipos de expiração.
Existem dois tipos diferentes de opções em relação à expiração. Existe uma opção de estilo europeu e uma opção de estilo americano. A opção de estilo europeu não pode ser exercida até a data de validade. Uma vez que um investidor comprou a opção, deve ser mantido até o vencimento. Uma opção de estilo americano pode ser exercida a qualquer momento após a compra. Hoje, a maioria das opções de ações negociadas são opções de estilo americano. E muitas opções de índice são de estilo americano. No entanto, existem muitas opções de índice que são opções de estilo europeu. Um investidor deve estar ciente disso ao considerar a compra de uma opção de índice.
Uma opção Premium é o preço da opção. É o preço que você paga para comprar a opção. Por exemplo, uma chamada XYZ 30 de maio (assim, é uma opção para comprar ações da empresa XYZ) pode ter uma opção premium de Rs.2.
O preço de greve (ou exercício) é o preço ao qual o título subjacente (neste caso, XYZ) pode ser comprado ou vendido conforme especificado no contrato de opção.
A data de expiração é o dia em que a opção não é mais válida e deixa de existir. A data de validade de todas as opções de ações listadas nos EUA é a terceira sexta-feira do mês (exceto quando cai em um feriado, caso em que é na quinta-feira).
As pessoas que compram opções têm um Direito, e esse é o direito ao Exercício.
Quando um detentor de opção escolhe exercer uma opção, um processo começa a encontrar um escritor que é curto o mesmo tipo de opção (isto é, classe, preço de exercício e tipo de opção). Uma vez encontrado, esse escritor pode ser atribuído.
Existem dois tipos de opções - chamar e colocar. Uma chamada dá ao comprador o direito, mas não a obrigação, de comprar o instrumento subjacente. A colocação dá ao comprador o direito, mas não a obrigação, de vender o instrumento subjacente.
O preço predeterminado sobre o qual o comprador e o vendedor de uma opção concordaram é o preço de exercício, também chamado de preço de exercício ou o preço de destaque. Cada opção em um instrumento subjacente deve ter preços de exercício múltiplos.
Opção de compra - o preço do instrumento subjacente é maior do que o preço de exercício.
Opção de colocação - o preço do instrumento subjacente é inferior ao preço de exercício.
Opção de compra - preço do instrumento subjacente é inferior ao preço de exercício.
Opção de venda - o preço do instrumento subjacente é maior do que o preço de exercício.
O preço subjacente é equivalente ao preço de exercício.
As opções têm vidas finitas. O dia de validade da opção é o último dia em que o proprietário da opção pode exercer a opção. As opções americanas podem ser exercidas a qualquer momento antes da data de validade, a critério do proprietário.
Uma classe de opções é todas as colocações e exige um instrumento subjacente específico. O que uma opção oferece a uma pessoa o direito de comprar ou vender é o instrumento subjacente. No caso de opções de índice, o subjacente deve ser um índice como o Índice Sensível (Sensex) ou S & amp; P CNX NIFTY ou ações individuais.
Uma opção pode ser liquidada de três maneiras: fechar compra ou venda, abandono e exercício. Comprar e vender opções são os métodos mais comuns de liquidação. Uma opção dá o direito de comprar ou vender um instrumento subjacente a um preço fixo.
Os preços das opções são definidos pelas negociações entre compradores e vendedores. Os preços das opções são influenciados principalmente pelas expectativas de preços futuros dos compradores e vendedores e pelo relacionamento do preço da opção com o preço do instrumento.
O valor do tempo de uma opção é o valor que o prémio excede o valor intrínseco. Valor de tempo = Opção premium - valor intrínseco.
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• Uso deste site e / ou produtos e amp; Os serviços oferecidos por nós indicam sua aceitação de nosso aviso legal.
• Disclaimer: Futures, option & amp; A negociação de ações é uma atividade de alto risco. Qualquer ação que você escolher para levar nos mercados é totalmente sua própria responsabilidade. TradersEdgeIndia não será responsável por quaisquer danos, diretos ou indiretos, conseqüenciais ou incidentais ou perda decorrentes do uso dessas informações. Esta informação não é uma oferta de venda nem solicitação para comprar qualquer dos valores mencionados neste documento. Os escritores podem ou não estar negociando os títulos mencionados.
• Todos os nomes ou produtos mencionados são marcas comerciais ou marcas registradas de seus respectivos proprietários.

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Como as melhores histórias secretas de opções binárias continuam, eles nos dizem que, embora o que os livros de autoclick não trabalham no Forex, mais livros ainda é um binário comercial muito lucrativo. Não há resultados de negociação reais em qualquer lugar na página da web, a única coisa que comercializa é um vídeo do YouTube. O preço que eles estão pedindo é bastante grande também. Os desenvolvedores querem opções para depositar com um dos seus corretores para obter acesso ao software.
Agora, um depósito lhe ajudará 1 mês do software, e se você depositar mais de 600 você pode obter o que por 2 meses. Em seguida, depois de uma experiente digitalização de dois meses, continuar usando o software pagando 197 por mês ou se inscrevendo com um novo corretor e depositando dinheiro todos os meses. Considerando que não há melhor para este sistema, qualquer preço de opções é muito íngreme. Os sinais de negociação de Bands começam a não recomendar as opções binárias do killer para os membros do binário hoje.
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Qual a diferença entre o preço da oferta e o preço do pedido é o spread da oferta, esta é a margem construída que ajuda a determinar o custo das opções.
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Do IIT às opções intradiárias no Nifty.
Encontre a seguir uma interação com Rajesh, que são as melhores opções de negociação no Nifty. Ele não foi apenas o vencedor no primeiro desafio, mas também está presente acima de mais de 100%, 20 dias após o segundo desafio. O que o torna especial também é o fato de ele ter aumentado mais de 150% nos últimos mercados comerciais do ano financeiro ativamente.
Educação: MTech (Computer Science), IIT.
Profissão: comerciante de dia ativo e engenheiro de software.
Passatempos: tênis de mesa e meditação.
Encontre o seguinte intercâmbio em 2 de agosto de 2013.
Tenho dois irmãos e dois amigos em bolsa e tive sorte que um dos meus irmãos investe principalmente e o outro negocie opções ativamente. Eu comecei a negociar no mercado de ações no mercado de ações com margem e também pequenos troços de transações de curto prazo. Então eu gostaria de agradecer aos meus irmãos por me apresentarem nos mercados.
Como você realizou inicialmente?
Tivemos alguns comércios de sorte para começar, mas nunca obtivemos sucesso na equidade comercial, explodindo minha conta algumas vezes no processo. A maioria das negociações baseava-se em coragem e algumas nas dicas fornecidas na TV.
Como você conseguiu continuar a negociar quando você fez essas perdas e por quanto tempo?
Eu estava tendo um bom trabalho e isso me permitiu ficar ativo nos mercados, adicionando capital comercial do meu salário no final de cada mês, era uma benção disfarçada.
Comecei a operar no início de 2005 e esse método de negociação continuou até maio de 2006, quando houve uma queda súbita no mercado, o que foi um grande revés não apenas para os negócios do meu dia, mas também em meus negócios de entrega, que eu saí em pânico.
Este incidente foi um abridor de olhos sobre como a negociação com base em notícias, assistir TV ou em um palpite nunca pode ser lucrativo, a menos que eu tenha notícias antes de todos os outros. Isto é, quando eu recebi a análise técnica e começou com a aprendizagem de candelabros.
Quando eu aprendi mais sobre análise técnica, de repente senti que é possível ter sistemas baseados em estratégias que podem ser executadas como uma máquina de fazer dinheiro, eliminando todas as emoções humanas. Também ajudou que eu fosse bom no shell scripting e o fundo de automação me ajudou a colocar alguns sistemas. Você poderia dizer que testei mais de 1000 estratégias daquele até agora.
Então esses sistemas realmente ganharam dinheiro?
Os resultados de backtested ganharam dinheiro em teoria, mas, quando aplicados a mercados reais, não conseguiu. A maioria dos resultados baseou-se no preço aberto, mas o preço aberto que você vê no que você realmente pode obter ao negociar os mercados tem uma grande variação. O que também acrescenta a isso são as derrapagens, os custos de corretagem e outros impostos. Então, pessoalmente para mim, apenas os sistemas baseados em técnicas não funcionaram bem e foi quando eu também comecei a estudar no lado psicológico da negociação.
O que eu tinha começado a perceber era porque as pessoas seguiam estratégias analíticas técnicas / fundamentais semelhantes, existem armadilhas que se colocam (armadilhas de touro ou urso) em torno de importantes pontos técnicos / fundamentais no mercado. Normalmente, cenários onde o mercado de repente parece bullish / bearish com base em indicadores populares e inverter apenas para atrapalhar os comerciantes.
Então, quais estratégias você seguiu?
Ao mesmo tempo, eu também me apresentava ao Futures and Options e descobri que eu era melhor no comércio intradiário e, portanto, a maioria de minhas posições nunca foram realizadas durante a noite. Inicialmente, eu comecei a procurar configurações de fuga, mas quando comecei a dar mais importância ao lado psicológico, ele se moveu para detectar armadilhas de touro / urso, detectando divergências e também tenho um indicador proprietário baseado no volume de touros / ursos em um castiçal gráfico. Isto é o que eu tenho seguido nos últimos dois anos e foi bem para mim.
A maioria dos meus negócios são operações de opção e, portanto, junto com a análise de gráficos técnicos, eu também comecei a misturá-lo com uma estratégia baseada em juros abertos, volatilidade implícita e preços de opções. Basicamente, a estratégia que usa os dados prediz que lado da opção está inclinado a subir, chamadas ou colocações e também o preço de ataque melhor posicionado para isso.
Uma vez que a estratégia gira em torno de invasões de manchas ou desvios de opções, como mencionado acima, normalmente a maioria das negociações seria negociar negociações de tendências. Eu pessoalmente acho que ser opções longas realmente funciona bem para esse sistema de contra tendência.
Há alguns comércios baseados no intestino, mas eu principalmente faço com trocas fornecidas pelo sistema que eu sigo. Mas a coisa crítica é aceitar que nós, como seres humanos, podemos cometer erros e podemos nos deixar levar, então é melhor manter tanto dinheiro na sua conta comercial que você pode perder, especialmente quando se negociam opções.
Mas eles dizem que os compradores de opções nunca ganham dinheiro; são apenas os vendedores que fazem?
Duas coisas que eu não faço durante as opções de negociação é mantê-lo durante a noite ou trocar opções no dinheiro. Quando você mantém opções da noite para o dia, a decadência do tempo acontece mais rápido e se você trocar opções no dinheiro, o retorno absoluto quando você está certo em seus negócios não é muito.
Também uma das coisas que eu evito como um comprador de opção é a pirâmide, que é adicionar às posições de opções abertas existentes como e quando ele é a meu favor. Quando você compra opções, você está lutando contra o tempo, a volatilidade e os movimentos de preços, então eu pessoalmente nunca gostei de piramide e sempre perdi quando fiz.
Então você nunca carrega posições de opção durante a noite?
Há momentos em que eu faço as opções de transição, mas reduzo significativamente o tamanho. Além disso, a posição da opção de reencaminhamento não é porque ele fez uma perda, então deixe-nos segurá-lo no próximo dia, esperando que ele se recupere. É principalmente porque o intestino em algum momento diz que há mais no comércio deixado para jogar fora.
Fora das opções de dinheiro apenas? Isso é uma alavancagem muito alta, existem regras de gerenciamento de dinheiro?
Leverage é uma espada de dois gumes, mas uma parte muito importante do negócio. Um livro que foi um abridor de olho para mim foi no dimensionamento de posição de Van Tharp.
Em termos de capital comercial, eu sigo uma estratégia única. Eu venho com um tamanho de negociação suposto para minha conta com base no meu apetite de risco, suponha que este seja 10 lakhs. Mas o que eu realmente trago na minha conta comercial é apenas 15% disso, que é de Rs 1,5 lakhs e meu risco máximo por comércio é de 3% do meu tamanho de negociação suposente (10 lakhs), que é de 30.000. Mas, como e quando há lucro adicionado a este Rs 1.5 lakhs, o tamanho do comércio continua a ser superior aos 3%. Normalmente, eu retirarei lucros da conta de negociação se o tamanho da conta atingir entre 2 a 3lks para trazê-lo de volta para 1.5lks.
A idéia por trás do aumento do tamanho do comércio com lucros é dar possibilidade de um retorno exponencial e também é influência de Van Tharp. Eu posso dizer que eu aperfeiçoei isso, porque a estratégia, por vezes, causa enormes quantidades de volatilidade para a conta comercial, especialmente onde passou de ser positivo por um pouco a ser plana. Hoje, posso suportar esse risco com uma almofada de um emprego a tempo inteiro; Eu poderia mudar essa estratégia um pouco se eu estivesse negociando em tempo integral.
Esta maneira de administrar o dinheiro funcionou bem para mim porque eu negocio principalmente com as opções de dinheiro que podem subir / diminuir muito rapidamente. Minha atividade de negociação aumenta um pouco quando o mercado se aprofunda e é principalmente em opções Nifty devido à maior liquidez.
O que você faz com os lucros, vá gastá-lo?
É muito importante não tratar isso como dinheiro de loteria e gastá-lo. Eu olho para isso como uma renda normal e usá-lo para complementar meus objetivos financeiros. Além disso, uma vez que é uma renda secundária para mim, faço questão de alocar 20% de todas as minhas receitas comerciais por causa social.
Trading to Win por Ari Kiev e a maioria dos livros de Van Tharp, especialmente o do tamanho da posição.
Que conselho você daria aos outros?
Não há um sistema que possa garantir que você retorna, nos últimos 1.5 anos sendo rentável, minha proporção de vencedores para perdedores está no melhor de 62 a 38. É importante entender isso e, portanto, gerenciar seus riscos de acordo.
O comércio é sobre a construção de probabilidades a seu favor, uma das maiores razões para as minhas estratégias de trabalhar é ter Zerodha como a corretora onde eu não tenho que me preocupar com pontos de equilíbrio ao negociar, especialmente grandes quantidades fora do dinheiro opções.
O comércio é como uma profissão, as pessoas tomam isso levemente especialmente devido à baixa barreira de entrada. Basta um dia para abrir uma conta de negociação e transferir fundos para ela, mas, a menos que você esteja comprometido, focado, disciplinado e pronto para passar o tempo aprendendo, você deve pensar antes de entrar ou continuar a negociação se você já começou.
Para poder alcançar esse tamanho de negociação suposente, onde eu posso sair do meu trabalho e me tornar um comerciante em tempo integral.
Obrigado, Rajesh, pelas idéias e espero que sua boa corrida no atual desafio de 60 dias continue e possa negociar em tempo integral em breve.
Verifique os outros vencedores.
Nithin Kamath.
Fundador & amp; CEO Zerodha, equipe trabalhando para quebrar todas as barreiras que eu pessoalmente enfrentava como comerciante varejista por mais de uma década. Ame jogando poker, basquete e guitarra. Obter gordura corporal% em um único dígito é o próximo esforço pessoal :).
61 comentários.
Este é um conselho valioso, obrigado pelos insights Rajesh e desejo-lhe muito sucesso, também graças a Zerodha, você está sem dúvida os melhores corretores do país 🙂
Obrigado Zerodha por compartilhar este & # 8230 ;. Ele contém muito valor e muito útil para as pessoas que estão lá neste mercado & # 8230 ;.
Os grandes apostadores da Idiota Box aprendem com isso antes de aconselhar ou dizer alguma coisa # 8230 ;.
Os engenheiros de software estão roubando o show 🙂.
Parabéns e agradecimentos por compartilhar seus pensamentos Rajesh. Desejo-lhe o melhor para os seus planos futuros.
Obrigado Pawan! Parabéns para você também.
Obrigado por compartilhar seus pensamentos.
Não vejo Rajesh como engenheiro de software.
Por causa de seu talento natural, ele conseguirá grandeza.
Eu o vejo como professor.
Oi Rajesh, Parabens e amp; indo ótimo!
Você diz corretamente que o trabalho a tempo inteiro é uma benção disfarçada. Mas como você é capaz de fazer Day Trading com FT job? Como você consegue gerenciar o tempo de tela diário necessário para o comerciante do dia junto com o trabalho do FT? Como sobre os gráficos no celular?
Obrigado Gaur Krishna!
Na maioria das vezes, os principais movimentos acontecem dentro da primeira hora de mercado aberto e novamente na última hora. Estar na indústria de software onde você tem horário flexível ajuda muito aqui e o dia ainda é longo após as horas do mercado!
Eu uso a ferramenta de criação de aplicativos para dispositivos móveis da Zerodha & # 8217; ela mesma, que funciona muito bem!
Para rastrear outros parâmetros na inclinação OI e IV, uso o sistema construído dentro do meu site tripleint.
Um iitan é pago pelo menos 30 lakhs por ano, sal. Por que essa pessoa precisa negociar cujo futuro já é brilhante ... eu duvido da veracidade da história.
A maioria dos empreendedores lá hoje são do IIT e IIM, todos teriam deixado um trabalho seguro e assumiram o risco. O comércio é como um negócio, infelizmente, a maioria da sociedade indiana não olha isso dessa maneira.
Excatamente. O comércio é como um negócio. Deve ser tratado como tal.
Parabéns! e Obrigado por compartilhar seus pensamentos Rajesh. Desejo-lhe o melhor para os seus futuros planos de negociação. Espero que este artigo seja muito inspirador para todos nós!
Parabéns pela sua conquista.
Tenho dúvidas sobre hardware e infraestrutura usadas por você.
O meu problema é obter conectividade ininterrupta com a Internet e cartões de crédito confiáveis ​​por ticks para negociação intradiária.
Por favor, guie em detalhes para que eu possa adotar sua sugestão e mudar meu equipamento / sistema existente para um melhor desempenho. Estou com base em subúrbios ocidentais de Mumbai.
1. Que tipo (make / model / specs / etc) são usados ​​por você para o seguinte & # 8211; Laptop / Desktop / Mobile.
2. Que tipo de conexão à internet (banda larga / 2G / 3G / etc)
2a. Qual empresa de conexão intenet (Idea / vodafone / Airtel / MTNL / etc.
2b. Que tipo de plano de internet (ilimitado / limitado / etc)
3. Qual empresa / serviço para alimentação de dados (dados de tick ou 1min)
4. Qual software para gráficos e análise técnica (Amibroker / Metastock / Metaquote / etc)
5. Como você mantém a visão geral de suas posições em movimento (viajando por via férrea ou rodoviária / fora da cidade / férias / etc.)
Qualquer outra informação que você sinta me ajudaria a resolver meu problema.
1. Que tipo (make / model / specs / etc) são usados ​​por você para o seguinte & # 8211; Laptop / Desktop / Mobile.
[Rajesh] Eu uso um laptop Dell Latitude E6410 e uso o Samsung Galaxy Tab2 como o dispositivo móvel.
2. Que tipo de conexão à internet (banda larga / 2G / 3G / etc)
2a. Qual empresa de conexão intenet (Idea / vodafone / Airtel / MTNL / etc.
2b. Que tipo de plano de internet (ilimitado / limitado / etc)
[Rajesh] Eu uso banda larga de Airtel ilimitado e também Airtel 3G.
3. Qual empresa / serviço para alimentação de dados (dados de tick ou 1min)
[Rajesh] Embora a maioria das minhas posições esteja fechada em um único dia, não sou comerciante do dia no sentido tradicional usando dados e gráficos de 1 min. Eu uso o sistema proprietário ao vivo desenvolvido para rastrear OI e IV skew definidos no meu site tripleint.
4. Qual software para gráficos e análise técnica (Amibroker / Metastock / Metaquote / etc)
[Rajesh] Eu uso Fcharts PRO e uso scripts proprietários para fazer upload de dados. A maior parte da análise é baseada em gráficos, níveis, armadilhas e pesquisa EOD é selecionar o dia certo para colocar os negócios. Durante o dia, o sistema de opção ao vivo e os níveis de preços são usados ​​para sincronizar as entradas.
5. Como você mantém a visão geral de suas posições em movimento (viajando por via férrea ou rodoviária / fora da cidade / férias / etc.)
[Rajesh] Em qualquer momento, não tenho mais de uma ou duas opções abertas e certifique-se de que não há posições abertas enquanto não consigo rastrear os mercados usando meu celular.
Meus melhores desejos para você!
Obrigado pela sua resposta.
Os melhores desejos para você também.
Oi Rajesh, Parabéns e todos os melhores desejos!
Foi bom ler sua entrevista.
Obrigado a Zerodha por publicar minha entrevista. A estratégia de negociação da opção tornou-se uma possibilidade apenas devido à corretagem de baixo custo da Zerodha. Para as pessoas que estão perguntando detalhes sobre o sistema de negociação de opções e metodologia, visite o meu site no tripleint! Obrigado novamente por todos os gostos, compartilhamentos e palavras encorajadoras.
Eu quase tenho um plano de fundo semelhante ao seu (IIT, M. Tech; Shell Scripting). Estou interessado em construir um sistema comercial. Você pode lançar alguma luz sobre como proceder. Você construiu seu próprio sistema de negociação?
Existe uma maneira mecânica com a qual você procura armadilhas? Será muito grato por você poder compartilhar sua técnica. Meu [& # 160; protegido] .. obrigado !!
Rahul & # 8211; Para armadilhas, não usando uma maneira mecânica de descobrir e eu expliquei os detalhes no meu blog tripleint. blogspot. Em Categorias, você pode encontrar artigos para armadilhas de touro e urso.
1. Eu sou iniciante, devo comprar opções que estão no dinheiro, fora do dinheiro ou no dinheiro?
2. Como Juros Abertos, Volatilidade Implícita e Preço de Opção.
Encontre alguns artigos acadêmicos em investopedia / university / options-pricing / e investitopedia / university / optionvolatility / e uma vez que você possa entender o que decide o preço da opção e onde você identificou sua vantagem, você pode decidir se quer comprar ITM, ATM ou OTM. Cada um tem sua própria vantagem e desvantagem, como foi explicado.
Os artigos podem ajudá-lo a entender como cada um dos parâmetros de OI, IV e direção decide o preço da opção e, em seguida, você pode decidir em qual ataque se adequa melhor ao que você está procurando.
Tudo de bom para você !
Parabéns. Minha pergunta para qualquer analista, Trader é o que é o.
Sr. Shirish & # 8211; Obrigado pela sua mensagem!
A parte de introdução respondeu à sua primeira pergunta em termos de% de lucros realizados.
Esperar uma taxa de retorno de risco livre é muito menos para considerar para qualquer negócio e maximizar que usemos o poder de alavancagem.
O comércio deve ser considerado mais um negócio e, para começar, é preciso começar apenas com o capital que se pode perder.
Com toda a probabilidade, haverá várias vezes quando alguém falir na conta de negociação e é uma aprendizagem e perseverança contínuas e pode demorar alguns anos antes de se poderem negociar com rentabilidade a estratégia e os mercados. Derivadas como produto propriamente dito é projetado para influenciar a alavancagem e, portanto, o risco de manipulação: recompensar bem torna-se parte do negócio comercial e o objetivo é fazer pelo menos 4 a 5 vezes a taxa livre de risco em um ano.
Sendo uma conta de comércio pessoal, não queremos revelar o valor absoluto e essa é a razão pela qual os retornos são discutidos em termos de porcentagens.
Eu tenho negociado entre os últimos 1,5 anos e não fui um comerciante de sucesso. Eu sempre acabo perdendo dinheiro apenas por causa dessas armadilhas. O erro mais comum que sempre faço é que eu monto minha posição durante a noite, que matou minha conta literalmente. Eu encontrei um sistema comercial em maio, onde eu estava fazendo lucros consistentes com isso, na verdade, dobrei meu capital comercial em uma semana, mas eu perdi o impulso por causa de um mau comércio (posição transitória durante a noite). Perdi minha confiança com esse comércio único. Desde então, tenho pesquisado muito pela internet e lendo livros para ter um sistema de negociação que funciona para negociação de opções intradiárias, mas não encontrei um. Eu ficaria grato se você puder me ajudar com onde eu deveria começar e como faça seu próprio sistema comercial.
Agradecimentos e cumprimentos
parabéns Rajesh. Você está fazendo apenas negociação de opções? Você pode compartilhar suas estratégias de negociação de commodities (bruto / cobre) se você estiver fazendo o mesmo.
Grande artigo ou entrevista. Todos têm sua própria estratégia. Rajesh’s unique strategy of only using OTM and closing by EOD needs to be carefully considered if others want to emulate. Good to know he is able to sneak some time from his full time job and do trade on his mobile platform. Congratulations and wish you continued success.
Thanks for your suggestions ..
can you please guide me is it better to join training centers to learn about tech analysis stuffs.. i want to learn day trading skills..
it’s a great achievement, building a tracking system. Congratulations.
i’m a day trader. it requires a lot of monitoring the number of stocks for my strategies in Intraday trading. i’m planning to design a system, which monitors as per requirement and alerts the user.
is it possible to get live open-High-Low-Close price for each minute using web services?
can you please suggest in this perspective.
Can you let me how you trade for nifty optiono ption trading strategies where we can earn money.
very valuable account of a trader*s experience. I have read it many times. I thank Zerodha team for this opportunity to learn about the strategies and thoughts of other traders.
sir i have lost my entire money in option market.
Congrats and all the best wishes!
It was nice reading your interview.
I am Henry Solomon from Mumbai. I have planned to trade in option intraday. I have joined a advisory company for the same. As you have advised, I am investing a amount which i can afford to loose. What is the minimum % I can think of in return.
thks for the important valuable trading tips, one important thing to know where exactly we will get information about open interest, implied volatility and option prices.
this is false u can not earn in day trading . iam also trader . i used to do only short staranglle in deep o t m. iearn regullareelly about 3–7 % of my capital. but what he told about day tarding is impossible ..
Congrats and wish you success.
I also trade in options. Recently I have developed my own tool in excel for certain option strategies. I check the pay-off and also ROI on the margin money blocked. If I am convinced about the profit margin and risk-free range of the underlying I take the trade position. Its working well for me. I am also able to track it along the dynamic market from my tool.
I am not a software person. I want to take this tool to further refinement. I am looking for some experts to help me out.
I am a software engineer, I could able to help you if there is any requirement from my end.
I am a software developer by profession. I can help you to refine your tool if needed without any charge. If interested revert me back.
i have read that you never hold position overnight.
i want to know that your maximum trades are buying option / Writing Option.
if you buy at last trading hour then also you do not hold if you write/short option of nifty (call/put).
Congratulations on your success.
I fail to understand your viewpoint that in the money options don’t move fast & out of the money move fast. It is infact the opposite.
One request from the Zerodha team. Can you please publish stories of people who have lost heavily & porque.
Hmm.. putting up people who have lost heavily, donno if will help anyone. When Rajesh said that OTM moves fast, he meant % move and not really in terms of absolute movement.
Instead of focusing on others losses or strategies, we should focus on our own.
At zerodha, is there a way to get our past trade book analyzed, maybe even for a small fee?
At hindsight, it is always easy to have made the right investments. But fact of the matter is that it is not always possible to buy at lowest and sell at highest. esp. in options market.
Some of us are just not made for the market, but we may realise it a bit too late in our lives.
Rajesh, lease share your mail I’d. Tried contacting thru your website but got no response.
Great inofrmation keep it up.
The issue with stoploss is that there is no guaranteed execution price. Hence we can’t block margins just based on the SL price.
name of that indicator?
Nithinji why you are not updating this section after 2013 I found Mr. Rajesh post of 2013 and there was also post from you as a trader that too from 2013 I think now its time that you should post some fresh 2016 traders in this 60 day competition.
Yep, on my to do list, just too many things on my table. :). Will get someone from our team to do this from now.
I’m new to options trading..
I’m lossing money everyday from one week because when I buy put or call when the premium goes down I panic and sell it off. ( can u suggest me some strategy which I could learn and apply.. lost some money but still I want to trade intraday options I can use my full time on it please help waiting for your reply ty.
Kamath sir!! If you could reply me.
It helps me a lot.
When in a drawdown, best thing to do is to reduce your trading size significantly before doing anything else. I don’t know if there is any guaranteed strategies, You could check out: zerodha/varsity/
Hello Nithin Sir.
I am a student. And I have saved 5000 rupees for opening trading account. How should I start trading initially with such small amount.
Start trading in equity intraday, suggest you to go through zerodha/varsity/. Technical analysis is a good way to get started trading.
Here is what I have learned in my 6 months of option trading….
& # 8211; Very few people have been successful in making money in Nifty options, Stock options are even dangerous…
& # 8211; So less advise is available on internet for Nifty options, where as you have so much advise on Stock Futures, Intraday. Not sure why… Is there any advisory service who specialize in Nifty option trading…. .
Should compliment your efforts in building a system takes into consideration all aspects.
Wanted to know if your triplent site is still active and are you into offering services ? There is no mention of any recent trades in PERFORMANCE section (last was upto Mar’14). Also VIEW TRADES mentioned update of Mar’17 as the last one.

Learn How To Trade Options For Monthly Income.
Do You Know You Can Make Money Trading Options Without Leaving Your Job?
In short: You will get 5 Option & Future strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month (your results may differ), plus my support for next six months. If you have any doubts even while live trading you can ask me. You also get a Basic Option Course to know about Option Greeks. If you want, I will make the first trade for you. Fees details here.
How many times have you traded options and futures and lost money? If you are trading on hope you are losing money. If you are trading direction you are surly losing money. Because when you cannot predict your own future how can you predict the direction of a stock? What if you learn a trade where predicting direction of a stock is NOT required? Yes money can be make trading options and futures even without knowing or predicting the direction. It is called NON-Directional Trading. On top of that there is a way to buy insurance for a trade to keep your capital protected.
Before reading further just see one testimonial from one of my client who did the course. See his one month profit – Rs.4.05 Lakhs – Your results may vary.
Testimonial by Ravindra from Pune – 10.65% Profit Intraday Rs.4.05 Lakhs in Directional Strategy of My Course – Results may vary for users.
Rs.16.26 Lakh profit on Rs.38 Lakh margin blocked. 42.78% return in 5 trading days – Results may vary for users.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on for Six Months is Rs. 5000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on only till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & FREE Support on Phone, WhatsApp and for Six Months is Rs.6000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on Phone + WhatsApp + till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
Course Explained:
Total 5 strategies: You get two conservative non-directional option trading strategies which are profitable 80% of the times. You also get two directional conservative strategies to trade when markets are moving fast due to news. You NEED NOT be correct in predicting the direction. The trade makes money in BOTH directions. You also get one great stock option strategy.
Losses are limited, small and manageable. These strategies can make good money every month. To know exactly how much you can make please contact me.
Strategy 1) Very conservative: Non-Directional Nifty Options. You have to trade this every month. This trade benefits from time decay of both Calls and Puts. As you know Nifty is mostly range-bound, so you win. When it trends a lot then we take a stop-loss of just 1% because of the hedge and we go to Strategy 2 to recover our money. The hedge will save you from a big loss. Most of the times this trade will be in profit.
Strategy 2) Conservative: To be played only when stop-loss is hit in Strategy 1. I have developed a plan to ensure that even if you take a stop loss in Strategy 1 – the Strategy 2 will give you back that money plus some more in profits. Por quê? Because for Nifty has to travel 1000 points one direction in 40-60 days, which is near impossible. Which means combine Strategy 1 and 2 – there will be rarely a loss. Success rate of this strategy is 90%. We will double the number of lots here so that losses are recovered and you make a small profit.
IMP NOTE: Strategy 1 and Strategy 2 combined you will rarely see a loss month in years. The above two strategies itself is worth the course fee. If you are losing money its highly recommended that you do this course. Rest of the strategies can make more but are slightly aggressive.
Strategy 3) Aggressive: Stock Options. Only when a stock gives us an excellent opportunity to trade. I will tell you how to know that. It makes good money if stop loss in NOT hit. When you call me I will tell you how much you can make. If stop loss is hit it is even better as the money goes into triple leverage – it makes money from three places. If stop loss is hit, there is a proper way to recover loss plus make the same profit if the trade did not hit stop loss. Until recovery you keep getting some money as monthly income. Since the recovery and profits is almost certain, I call it the no loss strategy. You will need some cash if stop loss is hit. This is a great trade for traders who have lot of stocks in their Demat account.
Strategy 4 and Strategy 5 are the Directional Aggressive Strategies where Futures is hedged with Options. If correct Futures makes money if wrong Options make money. Here if you are badly wrong in Futures you can make very good profits. If correct you still make money.
When you know that losses are less and profits more, you can be fearless in compounding your money over the years to make good money .
Note: When there is volatility you should take small risks to increase returns from your account. To help you make more money I will also tell you 2 conservative directional strategies that involves Future trading with options hedging. These strategies make more if you are right, but lose less if you are wrong. If you are horribly wrong, you will make a lot of money. 🙂 One of my clients made 38% return* in one month in this strategy even when he was wrong. You will know his trade as well. *Results may vary for users.
Another benefit of this directional strategy is that as the position is properly hedged you need not take a stop-loss. Like I said, you can decide when to take the profits. This trade makes money both sides, so you can just wait for the right time to take your profits out. You lose money only if Nifty movement is very slow for a full 30 days. How many times does that happen?
After the trading course I will give support for a few months from the date of order of course. How many people give this kind of service?
Why I Started This Website & Course?
I see that lot of traders are fooled by tips providers / advisory services – me too – I lost 7 lakhs trading their tips and speculative trades myself from 2007-2010. Well no more, because I took to learning stock trading myself seriously and today am happy I lost that money because it was that failure that made me the person I am today.
Are you interested in getting a 5 day free course to learn trading options properly? If yes, submit your in the form below. The course will start from tomorrow for next 5 days, delivered directly to you . Read at your own leisure.
11 Reasons Why You Should Do This Course:
1. Technical Analysis Knowledge NOT required – Read to know why I do not believe in Technical Analysis. But it good for Back Testing. See one of my client did back testing on my strategies and he found it working well in all market conditions.
3. Regular Monitoring NOT Required – Stock trading is not watching stocks.
4. Continue with Your Job – Yes just because you are trading does not mean you have to leave your job.
5. Do Course From Your Home – Why go anywhere when due to Internet we can still be connected?
6. 100% Hedged – This is PURE INSURANCE Trading.
7. Stress-Free Trading – Making money should not come with stress.
8. Scaling Possible – As you age you will have more money, and if you are a good trader it is always better to trade with more money.
9. One Time Fee – Its a course not tips that you have to pay every-month and lose.
Testimonial by a Technical Analyst an Expert Trader – Results may vary for users:
60% Profit Using Just Strategy 1 In A Financial Year – Results may vary for users:
He is owner of a very popular trading software company:
Testimonial by Housewife Trader – Results may vary for users:
How The Course Is Conducted?
This is the first question traders ask me when they call me. I do not call anyone, traders interested in the course call me. And this is the first question they ask. Here is how the course is conducted:
Step 1. You will read below that you will get 5 conservative option and future strategies and one bonus trade done by my client to get more returns than I ever thought was possible once you enroll for the course. Details on the strategies is written below.
Step 2. If you feel like doing the course you pay the course fee. Click here to know the course fee – it will open in a new window. Please read, it is not high at all, in fact it is less than your one loss.
Step 3. Once the fee is paid you inform me by contacting me here or on whatsapp on my number 9051143004. Please tell me your name, , and payment details.
Step 4. Within 24 hours of the payment I will send you the strategies in your . I have myself written these strategies in 4 PDF files which I will send as an attachment to your .
Step 5. You can read these strategies whenever you want when free. Please read twice before asking me questions.
Step 6. Though it is written in a easy to understand language, it is obvious you may have doubts. After reading twice please ask me questions and clear your doubts. No one in India gives that much time as a service to educate proper hedging strategies to help you become a better trader, for a one time fee. Most of them ask upwards of Rs.30,000 or a monthly fee. Here you just have to pay only once.
Step 7. If you paid only for support you can ask questions via . If you paid for all three support you can clear your doubts via , whatsapp and phone. If the questions are long please as you will have the backup, if short please whatsapp, if instant please call.
Step 8. Support will be till the time written in the fee details page.
Step 9. From next day onward you will start getting s to help you know what strategy to trade and what may happen to the stock markets. These s are not sent to free subscribers. These s are not advisory service or tip providing service, they are given to help you become a better trader and trade the correct strategy.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on for Six Months is Rs. 5000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on only till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on Phone, WhatsApp and for Six Months is Rs.6000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on Phone + WhatsApp + till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
How Much Can You Make If you Do My Options and Futures Course?
You see not all traders are same. So some will get exceptional returns and some average. Like This – Ravi Excellent Trader Makes Rs. 16.26 Lakhs Profit in 5 Days – Results may vary for users. See the proof of 5 days trading profits made by him:
Rs. 16.26 Lakhs profits on Rs. 38 Lakhs margin blocked. 42.78% return in 5 trading days – Results may vary for users.
First Trade according to my strategy with amazing profits:
Testimonial by Ravindra – 10.65% Profit Intraday Rs.4.05 Lakhs in Directional Strategy of My Course – Results may vary for users.
Click here to see his profits day by day. Please remember that results are typical and may vary from trade to trade. Such amazing profits are not possible in every trade. The trader has written on how he achieved such amazing results. Click here to read his white paper.
Very Imp Disclaimer: These results like 10.65% profit are typical and its not guaranteed that every trade will produce the same or similar results. However the hedging methods in the course will help you to take such aggressive trades even with a lot of cash, because you know that capital protection is there no matter what. Smart traders will always make more.
Want to see more testimonials? I would request you to read testimonials and reviews of the course by real traders here – and see how they are making good profits. (Results may vary for users.)
Another trader who is not a full time trader with amazing returns:
Testimonial by Mr. Inder – Results may vary for users.
If you subscribe for this course, you will get his trade details and know how he made such a good return in such a short time.
NOTE: Mr. Inder’s trade will be given as bonus to all paid subscribers of the course the same day along with all other strategies. Both Ravi and Mr. Inder are still doing good with the directional but hedged strategies written in my course. As Mr. Inder has no issues sharing his trade this is given as a bonus to all paid subscribers to improve their returns. His idea needs a little bit of practice, then you can improve your returns from trading this strategy. It may take some time but with efforts results will show.
NOTE: Mr. Inder traded the conservative directional strategy in the course. 11% return in 1 trade is typical and may not happen in every trade. Testimonial was sent without asking as a comment. Mr. Inder made a total profit of 37.8% on margin blocked. He made MORE when he was WRONG in his Future trade. If you take the course I will send his real trades for your learning and proof. Not every trade can bring such results. Your results may differ.
Before reading further please understand, and I hope you will agree with me that, education helps for life not one or two days . By getting tips you not only lose money but also time. In the end you learn nothing and get frustrated. Therefore education is more important than tips . How many people who have taken tips have become very rich trading stock markets by taking tips? NONE . But people like Warent Buffet (the BEST stock trader the world has ever produced), are highly educated and never take tips. These people invest money only in knowledge to become better traders. You went to school for education, therefore you got a good job. Imagine the return on investment education gives. Today your six month’s salary is much more than your entire fee of school and college. This is the return on investment knowledge can give .
I have been trading options successfully since 2011. Before that I was losing money trading the stock markets, because I lacked knowledge of trading. From 2007 to 2010 I lost more than Rs.7 lakhs which was 100% of my savings. I did a lot of mistakes while trading. You can read my mistakes here and know the common trading mistakes traders do. You can read some option strategies written by me here. All are written with real option premium provided by NSE at the time of writing. I also try to help my subscribers trade well through my free newsletters for life which you can sign up here:
I offer an Options and Futures trading course to help you trade profitably: You Learn How To Trade Non-Directional Option Strategies “Conservatively” For Monthly Income with Peace of Mind!
Here Are Some Benefits Of My Course, There Are More Actually But You Will Know Only After You Do It.
No need to go anywhere, you can do this course from your home Technical Analysis (TA) knowledge is NOT required NO Software Required Strike Selection will be Taught NO need to monitor your trades every second or minute or even for hours, so, You can continue with your job/business while the trades make money for you in the background, Last 2 years back-testing done strategies work in MOST market conditions, You need Rs. 75,000/- only to start trading my strategies, but the more the better to get the benefit of compounding, Pay once, learn and trade yourself profitably for life, so, NO need to depend on so called “Tips Providers” and lose money trading their tips (I have lost too) I will support you personally to understand the strategies well on , phone and whatsapp. No one in the World does that for such a low price. I want you to become a better trader after the course that’s my aim and I will work hard to make sure it happens. For more information me, or Call/WhatsApp me on: 9051143004.
Important Features – These are some of the most common questions asked by traders.
Q 1. What is the accuracy of your strategies?
Ans – You see this is stock trading. Risk is there but because the strategies are properly hedged, risk is reduced considerably. Accuracy is 75-80%. Risk is low because its hedged and planned disciplined trading, therefore it gets reduced to 2% on margin blocked.
Q 2. How much draw-down can come in my trading account if I trade the strategies?
Ans – As written earlier: 2%-3% max.
Q 3. Is it for intraday or positional trading? If positional what happens in gap up or gap down next day?
Ans – Its not intraday, its positional. The strategies are properly hedged, so basically you become a broker. You lose in one hand and gain in another hand. It is only the difference that you pay. Sleep well in the night, do not worry. Proper hedging will take care of your hard earned money. That is why even in huge gap up or gap down, you will lose maximum of 2-3% on margin blocked.
Q 4. Does your strategy provide clear entry, exit, stop loss and risk management?
Ans – Yes it does. In fact you are paying exactly for this. Strike selection (here is where most traders go wrong in options trading), Buy or Sell which strike, Call or Put, When to Enter & When to Exit with Profits, Where exactly to take a Stop Loss, What to do after taking a Stop Loss to Get Your Money Back (Strategy 2), How to Hedge Options with Options, How to Hedge Futures with Options, etc. A lot of things are there in the course to learn. The aim of the course is to make you a good trader for life, not just one or two days.
Q 5. Can I make Option Trading as Full Time Business? If yes then how much capital I need to invest?
Ans – You see stock trading is a business like any other business. Even when you open a shop at least Rs.50 lakh is required. 3-5% per month is what you make on blocked margin. It depends on how much you want to make per month to earn a living. Now this is simple interest mathematics. That said some traders, as you have seen above, like Ravi and Inder are doing much better. In fact these kinds of students are doing better than me and make me proud. If you can also enter that league, it will be great, and you will also make me proud.
Q 6. How much return can I expect consistently if I follow your strategy with all rules?
Ans – Over one year period, anywhere from 30% to 40% Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). Please note that your results may vary depending on after doing my course, how good a trader you become.
Q 7. Is it true that some signal providers from some states have inside information? Therefore normal retail traders like us find it difficult to make money trading?
Ans – I do not know, neither am interested to know who has inside information or not. All I know is that if you have a proper planning and correct method and knowledge to trade, no one can stop you to make money trading.
Q 8. Maximum how much I can invest if I want to trade in nifty options?
Ans – Maximum investment is your choice but to trade my strategies at least 75k is required.
Q 9. Can I trade anywhere or only in Nifty Options using your strategies? Because I want to trade Bank Nifty Weekly Options and Stock Options too?
Ans – You see the logic of the trade is important. Once you learn the correct method to trade you can trade anywhere whether it is Bank Nifty Weekly Options, Bank Nifty Monthly Options, or Stock Options.
Conservative Hedged Options and Futures Course – Who Can Do This Course?
You can do the course if you just know the Basics of Options and Futures , like what margin is blocked when we buy an option and how much is blocked when we sell an option. What is difference between buying and selling options, and what is Futures trading. This info is enough to do the course. No high technical knowledge required to do the course. Strike selection, when to enter and exit, all is well written in very easy to understand language in the course. Even if you do not know, just me after enrolling for the course and I will send you two great basic options links for more knowledge and better trading.
If you do not know Basics of Options do not worry I will help you know basics of options for free. To get the basics of options please fill the form below I am willing to help you for free:
Subscribe to My FREE Newsletter to Get 5 Day Free Course on Option and a Basic Option Course for FREE:
Testimonial by Aditi A Housewife – Results may vary for users.
WhatsApp Testimonial by Menon – Results may vary for users.
Find 100+ testimonials in these pages:
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on for Six Months is Rs. 5000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on only till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on Phone, WhatsApp and for Six Months is Rs.6000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on Phone + WhatsApp + till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
What You Get In the Course?
Before reading please understand that for all 5 strategies, strike selection will be taught. Strike selection while trading Options is the most essential part to succeed.
You get 5 option strategies: 2 conservative non-directional, 1 conservative stock option and 2 aggressive directional trades – and support from me to help you understand and trade the strategies well. I can give support because I believe in my strategies. The course has trades for all type of traders: non-directional are for people who are in a job or busy, stock option is for people who love to trade stocks and directional is for aggressive traders. Please read full to understand what you get and the risks and rewards involved in the strategies. ALL strategies have limited losses as they are 100% hedged and probability of success is more.
Stock Option Trade that is done once a month. It either makes a profit or hits stop loss on expiry day. If there is a profit there is nothing to be done. If there is a loss you will learn how to recover that loss and get into profits again. You also learn triple leverage i. e. money making money from three places.
Directional Conservative Trade is a combination of Future and options. Basically its a game of Delta. When right in Future, of course you make money. When wrong the Delta of options increases more than the Future – so you make money. It means you make money whether you are right or wrong. For example one of my clients made 37.8% return in April 2015 in the directional strategy. Please understand that results may vary for users.
You will learn how hedge options – so losses if any will be small and limited. If one option loses money, some other makes money. Overtime the non-directional trades win 80% of the times. So you should be in good profit at the end of the year. I also request you to Call/WhatsApp me: 9051143004 or me to know more. Everyone’s situation is different. I can understand your situation only if you contact me.
WhatsApp Testimonial by Manish – Results may vary for users.
Why Should You Do This Course From Me?
Boa pergunta. When there are thousands out there selling their strategies why should you buy this course from me? I can understand your concern. I am myself a trader. I lost huge money trading – almost 7 lakhs at a time when I was going through financial difficulties. And to rub salt in the wound, I also lost my job. Once things got settled, I devoted my time on reading options. That made me a conservative trader. My profits are small, but at least I am making profits. Then to share my knowledge and to help traders make money, I opened this website. I am sure you must have read a few strategies written by me. If I can write such good strategies for free, there must be something better in my paid strategies. I offer support for a few months from the date of order for free because I want you to make money trading. I charge a small fee to share some of the best conservative and aggressive strategies and to offer you support. One more thing, my 15,000+ newsletter subscribers trust me and I cannot afford to break their trust.
Testimonial by Sankar – Results may vary for users.
Note: I trade these strategies in a very different way than what is mostly found online or traders do. Proper entry and exit rules are defined and its done in a very disciplined way. That is why traders are making money. You can find 100+ testimonials in these pages:
Links to All Course Testimonials Pages:
Testimonial by Deepak – Results may vary for users.
Course also includes my support for months, it includes , Phone and WhatsApp support. I offer support to make sure you understand my strategies well, hedging Options and Futures well, remove Greed and Fear (the biggest enemies of a trader) from your body and mind while trading and learn to live A Peaceful Life with Consistent Profits. Instant online payment is possible. Para mais informações, clique aqui.
How Much Money Do You Need To Trade These Strategies?
To trade the non-directional strategies you will need only Rs. 75,000/- in your trading account. For the directional strategies you will need only Rs. 60,000/- in your trading account.
If you have more cash you can trade the conservative stock option. You will learn triple leverage – which means money making money from three places.
You can start trading from any day, it has nothing to do with expiry. Technical Analysis knowledge is NOT required.
To know how this course can help you its best to Call/WhatsApp me: 9051143004. Feel comfortable and call, I am not one of those professional guys. 🙂
How It Works?
2. You SMS/WhatsApp/ me your name, , city, fee paid and bank name.
3. The same day I send you the course materials in your .
4. You read the strategies at home and take support from me to understand them.
5. You start paper trading.
6. After about a month you start real trading.
This is What Traders Who Have Taken My Course Has to Say:
Testimonial by Manohar – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Karthik – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Shiv – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Chandrashekar – Results may vary for users.
Please note that this was typical and it is not possible to get such a big return in every trade. Results can vary from trade to trade.
Testimonial by Saravanan – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Cheliyan – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Allen – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Ashok – Results may vary for users.
You can make profits in some trades even after hitting stop loss like this one:
Testimonial by Shiv – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Vipul – Results may vary for users.
Testimonial by Himanshu – Results may vary for users.
I get a lot of Thank You calls and s too. If they can make money why can’t you?
Disclaimer: Results may vary for users. Some make more some less but the idea is to learn, get education and trade.
Your Benefits:
Trade with Peace of Mind : You can trade without worrying about the stock markets. In fact when you will put on a trade I will ask you not to look at Nifty for the next one week. After that monitoring the trade once per day is required. Take time out for your life. Make Money Almost Every Month* : My goal will be to help you first reach a stage where you do not lose any money trading. Once that is reached you will start making small profits every month and then you can trade the directional trades that can bring very good returns. But this should be done when you are experienced trading my strategies. No Need to Predict the Direction of the Markets: These are all non-directional trades which means you need not predict the direction of the markets. One-half of your money will be guaranteed profitable. The other half also will be most of the times profitable, else we manage the trade. No Technical Analysis Required: You do not need to know Technical Analysis. These things are for traders who do intraday trades or do heavy leverage on futures or stocks. For options risk management is more important than Technical Analysis. I do not know Technical analysis either but still trade profitably. Simple Trades Based on Logic: When you talk to me you will understand that there is a logic behind these trades and not Technical. And the logic is very simple to understand. Positional Trades 10-30 Days: We take a position for around 10 to 30 days to get a good profit. Which means everyday trading is not required. 100% Hedged: If by chance there is a loss in the trade, the other position will make a profit. You can sleep better at night because the losses are limited. Limited Profits or Limited Losses: Profits are limited, but come almost in every trade. Only a few trades (approx 2 in 10) will show losses – but we will manage it and make sure the losses are small and few. Trade Only 2-4 Times a Month: Its obvious that if you trade less, there is no need to trade more that 2-4 times in a month. You can peacefully carry on with your job. No Need to Monitor the Trades Every Second: Since it takes some time before the profits starts rolling in, there is no need to monitor the trades every second. Just once a day is enough. When its time to take profits we just close the positions. Course on : This is convenient for both you and me. You can take the course right there in your home whenever you are free. Phone/Skype consultation is also possible.
This course is good if you have a regular job or business and cannot monitor your trades every second. All are positional and 100% hedged trades. There is NO chance of a huge loss whatever happens.
For more information contact me or Call/WhatsApp me on 9051143004. I can speak English & Hindi.
Once you start trading these strategies you will learn to manage risk. Managing risk is the most important trading decision. You will learn to totally control greed and be a disciplined trader. Within few months you will get confident in options trading.
IMP: The course is based on logic not on magic. Once you take the course and understand the logic behind the trades you will understand why it makes money almost every time its played. This should work even years after you have taken the course. You only invest a small amount to get knowledge to trade profitably for life.
What is the course fees?
You get 5 great conservative strategies and a bonus trade where one of my clients made 37.8% return in one month. (Your results may vary). You can do the course by paying a onetime fee only of Rs.6000/-. No more charges. No hidden charges. The fees includes the Course Modules + Support on + Phone + WhatsApp for months. I offer support till you are successful trading the strategies on your own and do not need my help. I will send the strategies to your in PDF documents within 24 hours of your payment.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on for Six Months is Rs. 5000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on only till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on Phone, WhatsApp and for Six Months is Rs.6000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on Phone + WhatsApp + till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
Perguntas frequentes:
Ans – Yes and No. Not because I cannot offer you a refund, but because I will offer you something that has value. And value has a price. Gaining knowledge has its own price. The money you pay is nothing compared to the knowledge you will gain from the course and what you will make from these trades in your life. Sorry by not giving a refund I am able to eliminate those not-serious traders. I don’t want people trading for fun to pay me, waste my time and their too and ask for a refund.
However, I only want very serious traders to do my course. I will be happy to talk and give a great service to traders who are serious about their money and trades. That said I will offer you a refund if you give me real reason why you want a refund. This will help me to improve my service. However you can ask for a refund within 7 days of paying for the course. Once refund is processed my service to you will stop immediately.
Q2. If I am unable to understand can I call you?
Ans – Yes, if you do not understand something and want to call please do so. Remember this is a paid service so please get the best out of me when we are talking. Ask questions and clear your doubts. Please call only if you have taken the phone support. Otherwise me for support.
Q3. I am not a technical person. I do not know technical analysis.
Ans – I am not a technical analysis expert either. The beauty of my strategies is that no technical or fundamental analysis knowledge is required. If you know basics of options that is enough. Trades and not that complicated. Simple strategies make more than complicated ones.
Q4. I am in a full time job will I be able to trade using the strategies you provide?
Ans – Yes because all are 100% hedged and positional trades. You will get enough time to take out profits or take a SL. Once you take the course you will know when to get ready to take out profits. Average time of a trade to hit profit is 10-15 days. You only need to see the values of the trade once in morning at around 10 am and once at around 2 pm and if everything is fine, you can continue with your job.
Q5. I do not live in India nor have an Indian bank account, but I want to get this course. Can I avail your service?
Ans – Sim. If you can trade online it does not matter where you live. You just need to know the strategies that I want you to learn. You can trade them in any stock market. All markets in the world behave the same. If you love trading options it does not matter whether you trade in India’s index/stocks or any other country’s. What matters is how much knowledge you have about options and your willingness to learn conservative trades.
Options trading rules are the same in any market in any part of the world. So even if you are trading RUT (Russell 2000), or NDX (NASDAQ-100) or SPX (S&P 500 Index) you can trade these strategies. In fact my guru traded RUT. Yes I learned these strategies from a trader in the US. He was a market maker in COBE (Chicago Board Options Exchange). Now retired, he used to manage millions of dollars in trading account using the same strategies since 1980s.
Q6. I am not a rich man. I have little money in my Demat account.
Ans – It does not matter. If you have just Rs. 75,000 in your account you can trade these strategies. Though, because the account size is small you will have to trade less lots. Once you gain confidence and experience, you should invest more money in your trading account to make more.
Q7. I have a lot of money in my trading account. Can I invest crores in your strategies?
Ans – The best way to start learning any new strategy is to start with 1 lot only even if you are a crorepati. Remember whether its one lot or hundreds or lots, your first job is to understand the logic behind the strategies, know why they make money and if they lose then whats your max loss, etc. Once the logic is clear you can start increasing the lot size. If you increase the lot size slowly, even if a stop loss is hit, a 1.5% loss will not damage your portfolio. Of course you know this a part of trading and you will recover your money. Within a few months you should be able to trade with a huge account. By that time you will also get good experience of trading these conservative strategies and you will not fear trading hundreds of lots.
Yes I want to generate wealth and am interested in your service. I want to learn directional and non-directional conservative option strategies for monthly income. Let me know how to pay.
P. S: Just to repeat these are the strategies you get when you take the course:
2 non-directional option strategies (1 purely non-directional, 1 almost always results in profits but needs to be played only if the first hits a stop loss), 1 stock option no loss strategy (slightly advanced strategy but works great) explained in details, & 2 conservative directional strategies – beautiful combination of Futures & Opções & # 8211; returns are better than the non-directional strategies – risk is less than the reward, on 10 you make 7, but you lose only 3 – direction needs to be predicted over a long period of time. If the stock goes against your view pretty fast, even 2% you still make some money. 🙂 Because the position is properly hedged you may take a 60 day time for your Future to hit target – mostly it does.
I am highly committed to my customers. I help them as much as possible. I always pick up the phone and reply s as soon as possible. I do not have any employees but still give better service than big companies. This is the reason I charge Rs. 1000 extra for the phone service, as it takes my time. The course is good, but you must be willing to learn. I am here to help.
Thank You for showing interest in Learning Conservative Option Trading Strategies. Conservative Trading is not a get rich quick scheme. It is a process that can earn you consistent returns in the long run. I can help you learn conservative option trading where profits will be more, losses less and you can grow your trading account with time.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on for Six Months is Rs. 5000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on only till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
One Time Fees For The Conservative Options & Futures Course & Support on Phone, WhatsApp and for Six Months is Rs.6000/- Only.
Once you enroll for the course you will get all the 5 strategies and a bonus strategy of 38% a month made by one of my client in your within 24 hours of your payment. Your results may differ. You will get my personal support on Phone + WhatsApp + till you are successful trading my strategies. You will get support to understand the strategies for SIX (6) months. You will get IMPORTANT s with ideas to trade my strategies and other ideas on trading till you are successful trading my strategies. I will continue support up to 6 months from the date of enrollment. With the help of my support s you will get many ideas to trade on Nifty as well as on stocks. These s DO NOT go to free subscribers. One time fees only for course and support for 6 months is FREE. You Do Not Have to pay anything more.
If you want to ask anything about this course contact me or feel comfortable to Call/SMS/WhatsApp me on 9051143004.
*Please understand that individual results will vary and stock market investments are subject to market risk. You are advised to research thoroughly before investing in any stock, option, future or mutual fund. It is your money invest carefully. Information in this site and course is for educational purpose, knowledge on finance and stock market trading only. It is not a recommendation to buy or sell any Stock, Option or Future. I am NOT a financial advisor or tip provider. I DO NOT give any tips in any form and DO NOT have any intention to give tips in future as well. I only give Stock Market Education in General and Derivative Trading Education in particular through this website. I have been reading and researching a lot on stock markets, futures and options since I started trading in 2007. Please read About Me page to know more about me.
Contact me or Call me on 9051143004 for more information.
TheOptionCourse Copyright All Rights Reserved by Dilip Shaw, Founder of this website.
Copyright Infringement: Any act of copying, reproducing or distributing any content in the site or newsletters, whether wholly or in part, for any purpose without my permission is strictly prohibited and shall be deemed to be copyright infringement.
INCOME DISCLAIMER: Any references in this site of income made by the traders are given to me by them either through or WhatsApp as a Thank You message. However every trade depends on the trader and his level of risk taking capability, knowledge and experience. Moreover stock market investments and trading are subject to market risks. Therefore there is no guarantee that everyone will achieve the same or similar results. My aim is to make you a better & disciplined trader with the stock trading and investing education and strategies you get from this website. Please note that I DO NOT give tips or advisory services by SMS, , or WhatsApp or any other form of social media. I strictly adhere to laws of my country. I only offer education on finance, investments on stock markets in the best possible way as much as I can through this website. Still, you must consult an authorized advisor or do thorough research before investing in any stock or derivative before trading any strategy given in this website. I am not responsible for any investment decision you take after reading any article given in this website. Knowledge is the only way to get success in stock markets. I try my best to give stock market investing and trading knowledge through the articles posted in this website. Thanks for visiting my website.
Consevative Option & Future Course.
I am Dilip Shaw. I am a trader like you. I have been trading since 2007, but lost a lot of money till 2010. I then stopped trading and studied options like college exams. Started trading again from 2011 and never looked back since. I did a lot of research, read books and did countless paper-trading before being profitable. You can read about me here.
My conservative trading course since 2014 is helping many retail traders just like you who have a job or business make consistent profits like this: (Click here for more testimonials.) You can do this course from your home. Some traders make amazing profits like Rs. 16.26 lakhs profit in 5 days though results may differ for all.
This course helps you learn to trade conservative option strategies for monthly income. Once you finish the course you can start trading immediately. You can start trading from any day. No need to wait for expiry. You will make profits consistently.
This course is good if you have a regular job or business. You DO NOT NEED to monitor your trades every second.
Before reading please understand that for all 5 strategies, strike selection will be taught. Strike selection while trading Options is the most essential part to succeed.
You get two conservative non-directional strategies on options, one conservative stock option strategy and two conservative directional strategies on Future & Option combination.
Non directional trades are profitable 80% of the times and make 3-5% per trade (Results may vary).
Directional strategy makes money fast. It does not matter which side the stock moves. In fact you make more when you are wrong in the Future trade. 🙂 Some amazing profits possible here.
The stock option trade makes 30,000 in one trade and if SL is hit there is a way to recover losses plus make 30k in that trade.
Technical knowledge is NOT required. No need to monitor trades every second.
In the course you will learn how to select the strike prices. You learn when to trade, which strikes to sell which to buy, how much profit target you should be looking for, the best place to take stop loss and what to do after taking stop loss – means how to get that money back. The success rate is more than 80%.
Since trades are properly hedged there is no stress in trading my strategies .
I am very confident that you will make money trading my strategies. To help you succeed I offer few months support for FREE.
11 Reasons Why You Should Do The Course:
1. TA Knowledge NOT required.
3. Regular Monitoring NOT Required.
5. Do Course From Your Home.
11. FREE Support For Months.
To know more Call/SMS/WhatsApp me on 9051143004 or me now. I know English and Hindi.
You can find many testimonials in these pages:
P. S: So many years of trading has thought me one thing – it is always better to make small profits month after month, rather than lose money month after month trying to make too much money. It never happens. But small money accumulated month after month can become very big in only a few years.
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